
For time

Time Cap 20 minutes

50 Alternating Single Arm Dumbbell Snatch 

50 Double Unders

40 Single Arm Dumbbell Push Press 

40 Wallball

30 Alternating Single Arm Devils Press 

30 Box Jump Overs 


Rx’d (Ages 16-54) 

Female: 35lb dumbbell, double unders, 14lb wall ball - 9ft target, 20in box

Male: 50lb dumbbell, double unders, 20lb wall ball - 10ft target, 24in box

Scaled (Ages 16-54) 

Female: 20lb dumbbell, single unders, 10lb wall ball - 9ft target, 20in box*

Male: 35lb dumbbell, single unders, 20lb wall ball - 9ft target, 24in box*

Teenagers 14-15 

Female: 20lb dumbbell, double unders, 10lb wall ball - 9ft target, 20in box

Male: 35lb dumbbell, double unders, 14lb wall ball - 9ft target, 24in box

Scaled Teenagers 14-15 

Female: 10lb dumbbell, single unders, 10lb wall ball - 9ft target, 20in box*

Male: 20lb dumbbell, single unders, 14lb wall ball - 9ft target, 24in box*

Masters 55+ 

Female: 20lb dumbbell, double unders, 10lb wall ball - 9ft target, 20in box*

Male: 35lb dumbbell, double unders, 20lb wall ball - 9ft target, 24in box*

Scaled Masters 55+ 

Female: 10lb dumbbell, single unders, 10lb wall ball - 9ft target, 20in box*

Male: 20lb dumbbell, single unders, 14lb wall ball - 9ft target, 24in box*

*All scaled divisions and Master 55+ may setup up on box jump overs. 


Alternating Single Arm Dumbbell Snatch:

The snatch begins with both heads of the dumbbell on the ground, requiring the athlete to lift the dumbbell overhead in one fluid motion, excluding the clean and jerk technique. Touch-and-go is allowed, but bouncing the dumbbell is prohibited. Athletes must alternate arms after each repetition, waiting until a successful rep is achieved before switching. The non-lifting hand/arm must refrain from contacting the legs or any part of the body during the movement. A repetition is considered valid when the arms, hips, and knees are fully extended, and the dumbbell is positioned directly over the middle of the athlete’s body when viewed from the side profile. Optionally, athletes may perform a split snatch, but both feet must return in line under the body while the dumbbell remains locked out overhead for the rep to count. Assistance in moving or resetting the dumbbell is not permitted.

Double Unders/Single Unders:

In the standard double under, the rope must pass completely under the feet twice for each jump, with the rope spinning forward for the repetition to count. For scaled divisions, the standard is a single-under, where the rope passes completely under the feet once for each jump, also requiring the rope to spin forward for the rep to count.

Single Arm Dumbbell Push Press:

The athlete will start in a standing position, holding the dumbbell at shoulder height with one hand and feet shoulder-width apart. Execution involves a slight knee bend followed by an explosive drive upward through the legs while simultaneously pressing the dumbbell overhead with a straight arm. The repetition is considered valid when the arm is fully extended overhead, with the elbow locked out and the dumbbell positioned over the center of the body. Controlled lowering of the dumbbell back to the starting position is necessary before initiating the next repetition. Athletes may alternate arms between repetitions, ensuring each arm completes the full movement independently. Continuous motion is encouraged, but brief pauses at the top or bottom are allowed. 


For the wall-ball movement, athletes must initiate the rep from the bottom of a squat position, ensuring their hip crease drops below the level of their knees. They then propel the medicine ball upward, aiming to strike the designated target with the center of the ball. To receive credit for the repetition, the ball must make contact with the target at or above the specified height. Any instances where the ball fails to hit the target or falls short result in a "no rep." Additionally, if the ball descends from the top without making contact with the target, athletes cannot catch it mid-air to initiate the next repetition. Each rep concludes with the ball settling on the ground before athletes can proceed to pick it up for the subsequent repetition. 

Alternating Single Arm Devils Press 

For the alternating single-arm devil press, the athlete starts with one dumbbell just in front of their feet, shoulder-width apart. They jump back into a high plank, lower between the dumbbells like a burpee, then press back up. Jumping feet wide of the dumbbell, they hinge at the hips and swing the dumbbell through their legs. Snapping hips forward, extending legs, and propelling the dumbbell overhead while bending the elbow. Locking the arm straight at the top, then reverse the movement to return the dumbbell to the ground.

Box Jump Overs 

For box jump overs, athletes begin with both feet on the ground on one side of the box, ensuring not to angle the box or step up on the corner. A lateral jump over the box, starting with the feet parallel to the box, is permitted, requiring a two-foot takeoff with only the athlete's feet touching the box. Upon landing on the box, the athlete must step off to the other side or jump completely over the box, ensuring that the feet pass over the box, not around it, and landing with both feet. There's no need to stand tall while on top of the box. In scaled divisions and Masters 55+, stepping up is allowed, but both feet must touch the top of the box, and athletes must step down from the box for the rep to count, with no rebounding into the next jump permitted. The rep is credited when both feet have touched the ground on the opposite side of the box, allowing athletes to commence their next rep from there.