
Rx Version:

3 rounds

For time

25/20 cal row 

15 pull ups 

10 front squats 


Rx’d (Ages 16-54) 

Female: 95lb

Male: 135lb

Scaled (Ages 16-54) 

Female: 45lb, jumping chin over bar pull ups 

Male: 65lb, jumping chin over bar pull ups 

Teenagers 14-15 

Female: 45lb

Male: 65lb

Scaled Teenagers 14-15 

Female: 35lb, jumping chin over bar pull ups 

Male: 45lb, jumping chin over bar pull ups 

Masters 55+ 

Female: 65lb, pull ups 

Male: 95lb, pull ups 

Scaled Masters 55+ 

Female: 45lb, jumping chin over bar pull ups 

Male: 65lb,  jumping chin over bar pull ups 



The movement standards for rowing require that the monitor on the rower is set to zero at the commencement of each row. During the row, the athlete must remain seated on the rower until the monitor accurately displays the correct calorie count.

Pull Ups:

In the pull-up movement standard, each repetition begins with the athlete hanging freely with arms fully extended and feet off the ground. Any grip or style of pull-up is acceptable, provided that the athlete adheres to the requirements. A repetition is counted when the athlete's chin surpasses the horizontal plane of the bar. While wrapping tape around the pull-up bar or using hand protection like gymnastics-style grips or gloves is allowed, combining both by taping the bar and wearing hand protection simultaneously is not permitted.

Jumping Chin Over Bars Pull Ups:

The movement standard for jumping pull-ups stipulates that the pull-up bar must be positioned at least 6 inches (15 cm) above the top of the athlete's head while standing erect. This variation, designated for scaled variations and Masters 55+ categories exclusively, requires the athlete to commence each repetition with arms fully extended. Any grip or pull-up style is permissible as long as the specified criteria are satisfied.

Front Squat:

The movement standards for front squats necessitate that both the athlete and the barbell remain positioned in front of the 8-foot tape line throughout the exercise. Each set of front squats must commence with the barbell resting on the ground. At the bottom of the squat, the crease of the athlete's hip must be clearly below the top of the knees. Throughout the movement, the bar must be maintained in the front-rack position; however, the hands are not required to remain on the bar. While a full squat clean is permitted, it is not mandatory to initiate the movement. The repetition is deemed complete when the athlete achieves full extension of the hips and knees while supporting the bar in the front-rack position.